SEO Scorecard: Proficient

You have a data and web-centric strategy, with dedicated resources to developing, reviewing, and writing keyword centric content. Your SEO strategy is clear and focused, but with a strong partner in place to help with link building and technical SEO, you can be freed up to focus on other things.

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Answer Key

1. The most important factor to consider when evaluating potential keywords is search intent
If your target keyword has a high monthly search volume but low search intent, the quality of visits will be low. Learn more about search intent here.

2. It’s best if most of the links pointing to your site use anchor text that is an exact match for your target keyword: False
Too much exact match anchor text can put your site at risk of a penalty. Learn more about anchor text here

3. The best measure for determining whether a backlink is valuable is domain rating/domain authority: False. 
The DR/DA of the linking site is important; however, contextual relevance of the link is the most important factor. All of Linkflow’s links use keyword-rich anchor text to create quality, high-value editorial links that are contextually relevant to your business. 

4. I have a plan in place to obtain: At least 10 dofollow links per month. 
Although no-follow sites can increase reader traffic to your website, dofollow backlinks are what drives organic search and traffic. No follow links tend to accumulate naturally over time, so it’s not a wise investment to build them yourself. 

5. I have evaluated my competitors’ SERP appearances and understand what makes an attractive SERP listing: True. 
Ranking on page 1 does not guarantee visits to your site, but a good SERP appearance does. During our Roadmap process, we include keyword targeting, site architecture, SERP appearance, conversion rate optimization, and user experience. Once optimized, these factors work together to increase organic search, traffic, and click-throughs that convert.

6. Most of our SEO resources are devoted to content creation instead of link building: False
Content is king but, like a well-tilled field or garden bed, it’s useless until you plant the seeds to make it flourish. Think of backlinks as seeds for your web content. Over time, they take root to help your organic search and traffic thrive. Backlinks to your site’s money pages—those with the highest conversion rates—help grow revenue, and that’s when link building really pays off.

7. I monitor progress with traffic and conversions using key performance indicators: Always
DA/DR and site traffic are some of the most common metrics monitored when it comes to SEO. However, it’s also important to measure changes on a keyword level to gain a better understanding of traffic quality improvements.  

8. My primary and secondary keywords are strategically implemented throughout the content: Strongly Agree
It’s important to use your target keywords often; however, keyword placement can also play a critical role in your rankings. Each page on your site should contain its target keywords in certain locations (e.g., headers, body paragraphs, title tags).  

9. I know how many links it will take to outrank my competitors for valuable keywords: Strongly Agree
Understanding how many links it takes to rank for your target keywords can help you determine how to allocate link building resources most effectively. If a particular keyword requires you to build hundreds of links to a single page, you may be better off focusing on more low-hanging fruit instead.  

10. I have an internal linking strategy in place to optimize link juice flow throughout the site: Strongly Agree. 
Companies spend a lot of time creating high-quality content for their sites and getting backlinks from other websites is critical to get that content to rank. But building links to your own content within your own site–internal links–is just as important! Internal linking is one of the most overlooked SEO strategies that you have full control over and is a quick SEO win. Learn more about internal linking here.

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